

All testimonials were provided without compensation of any kind.

Any client results or testimonials shown on this website or through other means are not typical.

Your results will vary and under no circumstances is any result guaranteed.

Conflicts of Interest

Chad Barker or his contractors may work with multiple clients in the same industry; however, we typically avoid simultaneously working with clients who are in direct competition (e.g., local businesses in the same geographic area, in the same industry, and pursuing the same customers).

If in our sole judgement a new client presents a potential for a conflict of interest, we will disclose such conflict to any older clients (as long as such clients continue to engage our services without interruption).  Older clients will have the right to refuse our taking on the new client.

Regardless of potential conflict of interest, all client information is held in the strictest confidence, the details of which will not be released without the client's permission.

No Legal or Tax Advice

Chad Barker is not an attorney or CPA.

All advice you receive from Chad Barker or his employees, contractors or other representatives, either in person or through electronic means, should not be construed as legal or tax advice.

You must consult with your attorney or CPA and rely on their professional opinions and full knowledge of your business and tax situation.

Neither Chad Barker, ChadBarker.com, it's owning entity, employees, contractors or other representatives shall be liable for the use or mis-use of any advice or other suggested actions.

You are solely responsible for your application and any subsequent consequences of any advice or other suggested actions you choose to act on or ignore.